SPHERE seminar “European University Alliances as models for transnational cooperation and means for policy reform” (18-19.11.2024, online)
18-19 November 2024 HERE Seminar “European University Alliances as models for transnational cooperation and means for policy reform” took place with support of the SPHERE and EACEA.
The SPHERE seminar explored the European Universities Initiative (EUi) and the university alliances that it supports. In 2019, the European Commission launched the EUi to enhance transnational collaboration among universities through larger alliances. These alliances are promoting innovative, integrated higher education across Europe, aiming to boost student and staff mobility, joint degree programs, and collaborative research projects. Funded under the Erasmus+ programme and supplemented by Horizon Europe, the EUi are a key strategy in achieving the European Education Area and plays a significant role in the European Strategy for Universities and the Higher Education Package.
How this matters to NEOs and HEREs: National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) and Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) have confirmed on various occasions their interest to learn more about the university alliances.